
Below is the schedule for our class. BWC = our textbook, The Business Writer's Companion. Supplementary readings are linked. Reading and assignments in the "due" boxes must be completed before class time on the days indicated.

This schedule will be updated frequently. You are advised against printing it out and you are encouraged to check it often.

Aug 23



In Class: Introduction to the Course
Wednesday Aug 25

Due: Review the syllabus; BWC xxiii-xxx, "Five Steps to Successful Writing"

The pages above are available here to give you extra time to purchase the textbook. This is the only time I will post readings from the book--you must have it in hand by Monday, August 30th.

In Class: what is professional writing? (ppt) planning, communication process, writing process

handout: communication situations


Aug 30
Due: BWC tab 1, "The Writing Process" In Class: News Report assignment overview and example; planning (PAGOS); communication situations; correspondence analysis;
Sept 1
Due: BWC tab 6, "Correspondence"

In Class: correspondence; goodwill (ppt); practice worksheet

(not sure how far we will get today -- schedule updates will be posted late this evening)

Sept 6
Due: Labor Day, no class In Class:
Sept 8
Due: Activity 1 In Class: goodwill (ppt); practice worksheet; discussion of Business Correspondence Project; grading criteria
Sept 13
Due: optional take home practice worksheet In Class: discuss practice worksheet; error log requirement; grammar; (if needed, continuation of material from previous class)
Sept 15

Due: 1 printed copy of Business Correspondence Project AND upload an electronic copy to Blackboard > Upload (the instructor will not comment on this electronic copy -- it will be used for in class discussion)

If you were absent from class on Monday, please email me for project information.

In Class: peer review; discussion of revision strategies; Goodwill Worksheet possible responses
Sept 20
Class Canceled. OPTIONAL polished correspondence drafts must be uploaded by 4pm 9/20 if you want comments. A2 is due Wednesday, 9/22.
Sept 22
Due: A2 (paper copy, I prefer typed); In Class: correspondence draft discussion; editing, clarity, and conciseness
Sept 27

In Class: design examples, design in Word, design workshop

(correspondence drafts submitted for instructor comments will be returned today)

Sept 29
Due: BWC tab 5, "Designing Pages"; A3 In Class: document design; desktop publishing
Oct 4
Due: correspondence drafts due for grading;

In Class: finish document design; group design activity; introduce document design project

Oct 6
Due: In Class: workshop; introduce visual representation activity (syllabus shift > letter to the editor to document design)
Oct 11
Due: In Class: resend A4 as a .pdf, workshop
Oct 13

Due: document design project draft due (at least: rough draft style guide, letterhead, business card, layout of brochure)

Upload and have a printed copy in class for peer review.

If you're concerned about formatting, you can download CutePDF. To make a PDF file, "print" it, select CutePDF as your printer.

In Class: discussion of visual representation drafts, peer review, grading criteria


Vote on the top three book covers


Oct 15

Friday by 5pm: last day to withdraw from courses
Oct 18
Due: BWC tab 2; In Class: , research (pdf), introduction to group report project
Oct 20
Due: BWC tab 3, 4 In Class: discuss final design grading criteria, book covers; grammar (pdf); group report project - overview of reports (pdf)
Oct 25

(any drafts of the Design Project will be returned with comments by Friday, Oct 22)

Due: each person must post at least 2 ideas appropriate for the Recommendation Report to the Blackboard Discussion Board by 10am. Must include 1) the problem, 2) the audience a potential audience, 3) some audience parameters (needs, feasibility, cost, etc)

In Class: Class Cancelled - we are not meeting for class today. However, you must post at least 2 ideas for the Recommendation Report project by 10 am today, Monday.
Oct 27
Due: Due: document design project due for grading (paper copy in class -- I'd also like you to upload your files on Blackboard, but it isn't required); optional worksheet; In Class: go over optional worksheet; topic selection recommendation report writing guide, time to work in groups.
Nov 1
Due: In Class: proposal worksheet due by the end of class time; review Rec Report Guidelines
Nov 3
Due: In Class: group workshop
Nov 8
Due: In Class: group workshop
Nov 10
Due: In Class: group workshop
Nov 15
Due: formal report draft due to instructor (report body only); BWC tab 7: Job Search and Application

In Class: job search; resumes; sample documents; Job Search Portfolio Project

Nov 17

In Class: cover & thank you letters, interviews ; job search document analysis

Nov 22

Due: "job" due; resume draft due (print two copies of job ad and two copies of print resume), upload

In Class: resume workshop; global comments on rec. rpts
Nov 24

Class Canceled - Happy Thanksgiving!

Although we aren't meeting for class, I will be on campus in my office, SO 121 from a proximately 10 AM to 5 PM. Please feel free to drop by if you have any questions, one help with the paper, or would like feedback on your projects.

Due: If you want comments on your final rec report project turn in your formal report final draft by class time today. Upload to BB as ONE file (.doc, .docx, .odt prefered; .pdf is acceptable)

Nov 29

Due: bring (or have access to) electronic copies of your job advertisement and resume. We'll be working on your documents in class

Due: If you want comments on your final rec report project turn in your formal report final draft by class time today. Upload to BB as ONE file (.doc, .docx, .odt prefered; .pdf is acceptable)

In Class: discussion of resumes, cover letters; peer review; workshop

Dec 1

Due: Last date to turn in your formal rec report final draft by class time today. Upload to BB as ONE file (.doc, .docx, .odt prefered; .pdf is acceptable)

If you want comments on your job search portfolio docs, upload job ad, traditional resume, and cover letter by the end of class time today. If you're concerned that your resume formatting may get messed up, save your resume as a .pdf (you can convert your file to a .pdf here)

In Class: Class is optional. HOWEVER, if you plan to submit your job search docs for review, you must come to class; workshop
Dec 6
4 pm - 6:30 pm final exam; job search portfolio due  